Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The King's Speech

A magnificent gem that disappoints with the slow beginning yet simmers to perfection at finale. I am a bit at odds with this film and I will not pretend to claim it as my favorite movie of the year. I was intrigued by «The King's Speech» due to its rare 95% rating on the often capricious Rotten Tomatoes website as well as its impeccable reputation for gathering four Oscars at the 83rd Academy Awards ceremony. As I sat before the screen, I was overwhelmed in anticipation of the cinematographic magnificence that was to challenge and amuse me, surprise and make me think. All I have to say is that I remained in this state of awaiting till the final «speech» rolled in. I was, indeed, tantalized by the incredible performances of Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush who showed great range or acting depth and conviction to the characters. Was the film inspirational? Yes, it was uplifting and encouraging in its focus on endurance in the face of drastic setbacks and personal inadequacies. It also showed a kind and supportive bond between the timid yet powerful king and a daring and witty commoner. The movie was good but, for me, it was not excellent. It was, at times, unbearably slow and uneventful with most plot turns rather predictable and dull. However, I will repeat myself, the acting is worth checking out and finishing the movie to form your own opinion. Afterall, four Oscars must be worth a try : )

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